"Feedback is critical to improving learning as it both influences students’ motivation to learn and their ability to do so" (Hattie 1999).
At Nurture, we know that good feedback:
1. Clarifies good practice
2. Encourages interaction
3. Facilitates self-assessment &
4. Identifies steps to take going forward
In the research, we have found that "98% of students who receive individualised feedback perform better than those that don’t" (Bloom 1984).
So we commissioned a research project with a pedagogy team at Learnovate, the EdTech Research & Design Centre in Trinity College Dublin. This framework combines the best practice of Teaching and Learning combined with the efficiencies of Digital Learning to save teachers time and simplify creating high-quality formative feedback.
"Formative assessment represents evidence-based instructional decision making. If you want to become more instructionally effective, and if you want your students to achieve more, then formative assessment should be for you" (Popham 2008).
With 25 students to each teacher in an average class, the Nurture framework gives teachers a system for how to reach each student on a more personal level, without causing burnout. Our research-backed framework ensures that the feedback a student receives aligns their individual learning goals.
We also help teachers delay the ego response by locking grades until student reflections are gathered. Research shows that delaying the ego response improves engagement with feedback. Additionally, developing metacognition can lead to +7 month increase in attainment (EEF, 2022)
We've been inspired and motivated by the findings of many influential researchers.
“The most powerful single moderator that enhances achievement is feedback. The most simple prescription for improving education must be dollops of feedback. This does not mean using many tests and providing over-prescriptive directions. It means providing information how and why the student understands and misunderstands, and what directions the student must take to improve” - John Hattie, Influences on Student Learning
Using Hattie and Timperley's model of effective feedback, we can increase student attainment by +6 months (EEF, 2022).