"What excites us the most about Nurture is the ability of the teacher to give tailormade feedback to students, which is time effective and which is specific to the learning outcomes"
- Ger Hogan, Principal Kinsale Community College

Nurture are delighted to be working with Kinsale Community School. Providing them with formative assessment and feedback tools within the learning management system they have been using, Microsoft Teams.
KCS is an innovative, caring and collaborative school and we love the 4 rights that they have a huge focus on providing to their staff and students.
1. The right to learn
2. The right to be happy
3. The right to be different
4. The right to be heard

It was great to visit the school recently, getting some feedback ourselves on how things have been going!

Here’s some feedback on the learner passport feature that we’re working on:
“The teacher knows the way their students are progressing in the classroom, but it’s great to have a concrete image in front of you”
- Eimear, Irish and Home Economics Teacher, KCS

“A huge problem with feedback is that you’re giving it to the students, and it’s hard to know if they ever take it in fully or if they understand what your feedback is. Whereas when they have to reflect on it I suppose it forces them to think about what they need to do and do they actually understand what you’re telling them.”
- Eimear, Irish and Home Economics Teacher, KCS

Interested in learning about how your school can get up and running with Nurture? Chat to the team by booking a demo.